Sunday, January 18, 2009

Reunion Contest

Hey graduates of WHS class of 99- we are looking for YOU!

Here's the scoop... our ten year reunion is coming up! Can you believe it? How did that happen? Yes, we are getting older... but the good news is- we are going to have a GREAT reunion!!

We need some information from all of you. Please email your current contact info to:

We need your:
  • name (Maiden and Married)
  • name of spouse/ guest (For name tag purposes)
  • email address (for pre-reunion communication)
  • mailing address (for the actual invitation)
  • phone number (if you want it shared with alumni)
This is the email address we will use to gather information from you up until the reunion. A few things we will be asking you to send in...not yet...but soon.

  • brief bio of the past ten years with any personal websites
  • an updated photo of yourself /family
  • any photo's you have of alumni from k-12 that you want to share

How can you help, you ask???

Well...we need to get the word out about the reunion. That is where out little incentive comes in.


Use this button and post it on your personal website/ facebook/myspace etc. Contact everyone you keep in touch with about this blog and have them email in their information. Just copy the html code and paste it onto your website or attach it to an email.

If you're clicking on this blog because someone contacted you or you saw the button on their page... leave a comment to let us know how you found out. At the end of May, whoever found the most people (on purpose or not) will attend the reunion for free. What is better than going to your ten year high school reunion? Yep, you said it- going for FREE! So blog away, write on walls, email, and get the word out. Don't forget to have them leave a comment on the blog so we know who gets credit... also it will be fun to see who has been contacted.

* You can use the anonymous option if you don't have an account, but make sure to leave your name.

If you know you are unable to attend the reunion leave a comment so we will know not to call your parents to track you down. Oh YES,... I have a list with their phone numbers. We do still want your information for a reunion booklet that will be handed out at the reunion.

The reunion will be the 28th and 29th of August. We will be having a Wasps only night on Friday Aug 28th and the main reunion with guests will be Saturday Aug 29th. The reunion will be held in conjunction with the opening of the new high school. Both nights of the reunion will be at the new Wasatch high school.

Feel free to email with any questions and someone will get back to you. Now that you have read this, don't forget to email in your info.

By the way, this blog will be updated by Mimi Jensen McDonald- she does not count for the contest :-D